9 Things We Want To See In Doctor Strange 2

8. More Development For Strange

Doctor Strange II
Marvel Studios

The casting of Benedict Cumberbatch was a dream come true for fans. He seemed like the perfect choice for the brilliant, but arrogant man, and many assumed he would be the MCU's new lead character à la Tony Stark.

While the similarities to Stark are undeniable, Stranger falls short of being as interesting and entertaining of a character. Cumberbatch fits the role well but the film rushes so fast to get Strange from being an unlikable jerk to being a self-sacrificing hero, that it's hard for the audience to really get to know him as a character.

The sequel needs to decide what they want Strange to be besides Stark-lite. He needs flaws and weaknesses, but also a reason for us to like him besides cool spells and an acerbic wit. He's still new at this sorcery stuff, so have him make a mistake with dire consequences or have his dangerous ego return as his talents improve.

He still has potential to be the next Tony Stark, but only if he offers something different to Tony Stark.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.