9 Things We Want To See In Doctor Strange 2

7. New Sorcerers

Doctor Strange II
Marvel Studios

Before Doctor Strange, magic was a very small part of the MCU, occupied pretty exclusively by Scarlet Witch (although you could argue those powers are really magic). Now that this side of the universe has been introduced, it needs to be explored deeper.

One aspect the sequel could get a lot of mileage out of is exploring the community of sorcerers all around the world. We've met a handful of them but there is a sense that there are many more facets to this hidden world. The sequel could introduce new members of the Ancient One's order, those who have broken away from the order, like Kaecilius, or those who hide their power in the real world like Jonathan Pangborn.

With the Ancient One dead, it would be interesting to see how the sorcerer culture reacts to that. No doubt it could open up the doors to a lot of potential conflict with various parties hoping to take up the mantel and jockeying for power. And let's not forget Mordo. Considering the new mission he was on at the end of the film, the additions of new sorcerers would likely mean violence.


A freelance writer and fan of the screen, both big and small.