9 Upcoming Movies That Are Unofficial Remakes

2. Brightburn = Superman

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Warner Bros. & Sony Pictures Releasing

Brightburn is a new superhero horror film produced by James Gunn and written by his brothers Brian and Mark Gunn.

You needn't be particularly well-versed in comic book lore to appreciate that the story - of an extra-terrestrial boy who crashes to Earth and is adopted by a family, before he manifests otherworldly powers - is suspiciously similar to the set-up for, well, every Superman story ever told (but especially Richard Donner's 1978 classic).

The big twist in this movie, however, is that the boy, Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn), seems content to use his powers for evil rather than good, effectively asking the question - "What if Superman was a dick?"

From the various Superman-specific imagery in the movie's trailer - the corn fields, the red cape - to the family dynamic with his adoptive Earth parents (Elizabeth Banks and David Denman) and his power set (including heat vision, flight, super-speed and super-strength), it doesn't leave much room for ambiguity, really.

But by shifting the tone away from earnest adventure film towards grisly horror, it's certainly one of the more interesting quasi-remakes in production right now.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.