9 Upcoming Movies That Sound Cool (But Will Probably Suck)

7. Bad Boys 3

Bad Boys 2
Columbia Pictures

Bad Boys 3 has been stuck in development hell for years, thanks primarily to Will Smith being incapable of making up his mind as to whether or not he wants to return for another go round. After potentially pushing ahead without him though, the most recent reports suggest that he's back on board, teaming up once again with Martin Lawrence and Michael Bay for the long-overdue sequel.

While Bad Boys has never exactly been high art, the first two flicks were solid action movies, allowing Bay to indulge in both his best and worst habits. It's hard to say they're "good", but their concoction of chaos captured lightning in a bottle that made them enjoyable in spite of their obvious flaws.

Unfortunately, trying to recapture that spark almost two decades later could be a recipe for disaster. The Bad Boys and now more Bad Old Men long past their prime, and while coming-out-of-retirement-for-one-last-job narratives have done wonders for other action franchises like The Expendables, trying to repeat what made this series great could just reveal how dated the formula is.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3