9 Upcoming Movies That Sound Cool (But Will Probably Suck)

2. Glass

Glass James McAvoy

Look, Glass should be amazing. Fulfilling the promise of Split's final scene, M. Night Shyamalan's upcoming film is finally going to give fans the Unbreakable sequel they've been craving for over 15 years, as well as following up James McAvoy's Kevin, and his 23 other personalities. Merging these two worlds and making the superhero flick he's always teased, Glass has the potential to be the director's crowning achievement.

Unfortunately, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to M. Night Shyamalan.

Sure, Split was a truly great return to form for the director, but his movies before then, including The Last Airbender and After Earth, were incredibly disappointing. Admittedly, Glass is a project the filmmaker has been trying to get off the ground for years, so the passion and ambition is very obviously there, but that only raises even more issues.

There's so much riding on this movie, both as a sequel to Split and an overdue follow up to Unbreakable (which a lot of film fans regard as a superhero masterpiece), that the risk of disappointing one camp (or both) is high.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3