9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

1. It Will Make People Excited For The DC Universe Again

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Warner Bros.

Man Of Steel was a big letdown, and Dawn Of Justice was two and a half years of hype and build-up for very little payoff. DC is only two movies into their universe and fans are already switching off, if the epic drop in box-office receipts for Batman V Superman – and the generally frosty mood of the fanbase towards it - is any indication.

What DC really need - more than anything - is a movie that will get both hardcore fans and general audiences excited about the possibilities of a DC universe, and will send them out of the cinema buzzing and excited for the next entry. Marvel have a good track record with doing this, and if DC hopes to survive they better get people onboard right quick.

There doesn’t appear to be much in the way of excitement right now for the planned Cyborg or Aquaman movies, so Suicide Squad might be Warner Bros. last chance to turn the tide in their favour, because a third strike on their record could mean the end of any DC movie that doesn't have Batman in the title. 

Do you think Suicide Squad will help change DC’s fortunes, or are they doing just fine? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.