9 Ways Suicide Squad Will Redeem The DC Movie Universe

2. It's Got A Fresh Premise

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Warner Bros.

A certain amount of sameness has crept into the comic book movie genre lately; all the movies either seem to be epic team-ups (Civil War, Dawn Of Justice) or origin stories (Ant-Man, Deadpool), so it’s time to tackle a story that doesn’t tick either of those boxes.

The idea behind Suicide Squad can be summed up as The Dirty Dozen with super powers, and it will feature some underrated b-list characters getting their moment in the sun. The idea of teaming together a group of villains should also give it a darker flavour than the average comic book movie, and Ayer will have no trouble delivering a story with a bit of grit to it.

Plus it’s nice to have a superhero movie without any superheroes in it (a Batman cameo notwithstanding), so fans will get to see this type of movie from a whole new angle. Deadpool proved there is a real appetite for a comic book movie that does things differently, and Suicide Squad should appeal to the same audience that made that such a crowd pleaser. 


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