9 Well Deserved Movie Villain Deaths
1. Koobus Venter - District 9
As Neill Blomkamp's part-documentary part-action adventure played the part of a metaphor for apartheid in Africa, our focus on the developing relationship between Wikus and Christopher Johnston became more key. That’s why MNU mercenary leader Koobus Venter’s death is such a deserved and cathartic moment for audiences watching.
From his first scene, we know he’s got a mean-streak and a short temper. When he isn’t threatening Wikus and sneering at the camera-crew, he’s having the time of his life executing alien refugees.
His cavalier delight at killing “Prawns” peaks during the films third act when he mercilessly beats Christopher Johnston, and corners a mutating Wikus. He boasts about how joyful it is killing aliens for pay, and how much he’s going to enjoy killing Wikus.
It’s only satisfactory then, that he meets his end being torn from limb to limb by the very scavenging, vengeful aliens he hunted with such glee. Our last shot of him is his desperate attempts to escape, and then his screams as he is pulled apart like wet bread.