9 Worst Motion Captured Performances

8. Ang Lee - Hulk

Hulk Rocket
Universal Pictures

Ang Lee’s Hulk is the ultimate black sheep blockbuster. The director tried his best to give fans something different, taking a more cerebral approach to the material. He should have thrown in a few more fights and toned down the scientific mumbo jumbo, because his arty approach was definitely not what audiences wanted.

The design of the Hulk didn’t click with people either; he’s a big blobby mess, and the effects haven’t aged well since 2003. Lee portrayed the motion capture for the beast himself, something that looks hilarious when you see behind the scenes footage of him attacking a tank, but rather daft in the film itself.

Lee is tapping into his inner rage for the part and letting his energy flow naturally; in theory, this is a good approach since that’s what the character is all about. It just doesn’t work, and the character is way too overblown and ridiculous looking.

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