9 Worst Motion Captured Performances

1. Ahmed Best - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Hulk Rocket

You can imagine Ahmed Best’s excitement. There he was, a young unknown actor who’d been cast by George Lucas to play an exciting new character in The Phantom Menace. He’d also be pioneering motion capture technology to bring this role to life; what could possibly go wrong?

Just about everything, really. The script is the main issue, with Lucas having created one of the most irritating creatures of all time in Jar Jar Binks. A grating idiot who – for some reason – follows the lead characters around, despite having no real relevance on the story.

Sadly Ahmed was not at his best, playing Jar Jar at maximum annoying. His voice is a shrill annoyance, he flails his limbs constantly for “comic” effect and pulls more wild faces than Jim Carrey being electrocuted. Best was doomed from day one due to the creative choices of Lucas, but he could have made some effort to portray a likeable character, instead of a one-dimensional clown.

Can you think of any other bad motion captured performances that spoiled a movie? Do you disagree with any of the choices on this list? Let us know in the comments.

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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.