A Nightmare On Elm Street: Freddy's 10 Most Creative Kills

8. Let's Get High - Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Taryn was introduced in Dream Warriors as a troubled and repressed teenager with a long history of drug abuse from her childhood. She is also one of the most badass side characters in the series, from standing up against abusive workers at Westin Hills, all the way to her eventual death in the Dream World.

Taryn's dream power makes her 'bad and beautiful', with a mohawk, spikes, leather jacket and gloves, and two switchblades completing a super-80's look. When the Dream Warriors are separated by Freddy, she finds herself in a dark alley in the style of the streets she grew up on.

The two have a quick knife duel, with Taryn impressively landing a hit on her foe, before the camera zooms in on Freddy with his fingers replaced by long syringes in one of the franchise's best shots. The fedora-wearing baddie dishes out a 'let's get high' line that is still a fan-favourite, before plunging all of the syringes into the suckers that have appeared on Taryn's arms, triggering an overdose.

Robert Englund closes the scene with a perfectly delivered 'what a rush' line, with Freddy taking in Taryn's dream powers for the remainder of the film.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.