A Nightmare On Elm Street: Freddy's 10 Most Creative Kills

5. You Are What You Eat - The Dream Child

Greta Gibson was a friend of protagonist Alice in The Dream Child and is shown to be a lighthearted and genuinely caring friend throughout her time on screen. Her relationship with her mother however is more strained, with her controlling Greta's lifestyle and eating habits in an attempt to push her into a modeling career.

Greta's death is the second on-screen killing in the film, and taps into her frustrations around her mother's overbearing nature and eating. Whilst sitting at a long table during one of her mother's dinner parties, Greta is locked into her seat where Freddy begins to start force-feeding her.

His jabs become a bit more sinister when it's shown he's actually been feeding Greta her own organs, with the meal inflating her stomach and face into a grotesque shape. The heckling and laughing by her mum help make the atmosphere even more unsettling, and the whole sequence perfectly captures the struggles Greta has in a truly unique and horrifying way.

The kill also has some of the best Freddy quips, with his 'you are what you eat!' and 'bon appetite, bitch' being amongst the most infamous in the Nightmare series with fans.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.