A Nightmare On Elm Street: Freddy's 10 Most Creative Kills

4. Tina's Spin Around Her Room - A Nightmare On Elm Street

Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors Phillip
New Line Cinema

Undoubtedly the kill that kicked the Nightmare series into life, and still one of the most iconic horror moments of all time, Tina's death was the very first death in the very first movie.

It is also damn creative, with Tina waking up outside her house with Freddy already waiting for her. The shot of Freddy's arms stretching and his 'this is God' line are both iconic, but it's what happens when he gets his hands on her that makes this kill so creative.

Unlike most of the other kills in this list, what Freddy does to Tina in the Dream World isn't shown to the audience, however, her death in the real world more than makes up for this. Four slashes appear across Tina's chest before her body levitates in the air and is then hauled over to the corner of the room, spinning and squirming before dropping down in a bloodied heap.

The effect of making Tina look like she was being held in the corner of the room was done by building a specially-designed rotating room, and the sequence looks both fantastical and horrifying, perfectly capturing the brilliance of the Nightmare series.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.