A Nightmare On Elm Street: Freddy's 10 Most Creative Kills

2. Welcome To Primetime, Bitch! - Dream Warriors

Jennifer is introduced in Dream Warriors as being a sweet and idealistic girl with the lifelong dream of becoming an actor.

Her death comes when she's watching television and falls asleep, despite attempting to keep herself awake by burning herself with a cigarette. Jennifer's death is interesting because it is one of the first instances of the writer mixing comedic elements with their horror, with Freddy taking over Dick Cavett's television interview with Zsa Zsa Gabor before attacking her.

The television then goes static, prompting Jennifer to walk over to it and give it the tried and tested remedy of a good bang to its side. As soon as she hits the box, however, two arms sprout out of the side, taking a hold of her and lifting her into the air. Freddy's head then sprouts out of the top and with Robert Englund improvising his one and only line in the franchise with 'Welcome to prime time, bitch!', Jennifer's head is smashed into the television screen.

And that closing shot of Jennifer's limp lifeless body hanging face first in the television is just too good to not get a mention.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.