Al Pacino: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. John Milton - The Devil's Advocate

And now, the pinnacle of Pacino's 'shouty shouty' performances. I know a lot of people like this film for the trashy schlock horror that it is but I'm sure they're only saying that because of Keanu and Theron's arses going hell for leather in the sex scene. It is a poor film and not one to be placed alongside De Niro's egg-peeling Devil in Angel Heart. Incredibly, this film came between Donnie Brasco and The Insider, two great films that showcased Pacino's ageing talent. This film is just the out of date tuna between two slices of freshly baked bread. Keanu Reeves stars as a lawyer (yes, I know) who is hired by Milton, Chadwick & Waters' John Milton (with a name like that he can be trusted, yeah?!). He moves his young wife Mary Ann (Charlize Theron) to New York but the two being to find strange goings-on both in the court room and in their own minds as Milton's demonic deeds and despots take over. More synopsis could be given but bar the fact that Pacino is the Devil and Kevin's father, I'll just say €“ it's all a bloody dream. Good. Now you don't have to watch it. As opposed to some films in this top five, it does at least look as though Pacino is having's just that none of the audience is. It is only Theron that gets away with anything with an affecting performance as a woman on the edge. It's a shame that she surrounded by 'loud angry man' and 'empty head boy'. No wonder she decided to play Aileen Wuornos in Monster.

Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at, and