Aladdin Trailer Breakdown: 10 Things You Need To See

7. An INCREDIBLY Will Smith Genie

Aladdin Genie Will Smith

It feels like the internet has been collectively losing its mind over Will Smith's Genie for years now.

First, there was the announcement of his casting which was met with a collective *meh*. Then there were the first images released of him in human form with Aladdin, showing off his ponytail, which did not exactly go over well with folks. And then, of course, there was the most recent teaser before this, which finally showed him off in full-blown blue Genie form and well, it left a bit to be desired.

But with this latest trailer, audiences have gotten their best taste of exactly what to expect from Smith's Genie: turns out, he's just being Will Smith.

From his endless 'whoo!'-ing and 'yeah!'-ing over the snippet of Friend Like Me, to the vaguely hip-hop score that kicks in as we're introduced to him in human form, to him basically just playing Hitch in his one-on-one scenes with Aladdin, it looks like the only direction Smith was given, for better or worse, was just to be himself.

And indeed, he has done just that.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.