Alien: Covenant: 10 Last Minute Rumours You Must See
10. Shaw Has Been Turned Into An Alien

The Rumour: Elizabeth Shaw's (Noomi Rapace) much-discussed appearance will reveal that, as part of David's (Michael Fassbender) experiments with the black goo pathogen, she has been transformed into a grotesque alien creature.
How Likely Is It?: Let's put it this way: there's very little chance of Shaw coming out of the movie alive, and considering she reportedly spent only a very small amount of time on set, it's highly probable she is quickly killed off in a flashback sequence.
Considering that David is seen preparing to drop a payload of the pathogen on the Engineer homeworld in the recently-released The Crossing prologue, it's rather plausible that he tested it on Elizabeth first.
This is probably happening, but hopefully she won't just turn out to be a Neomorph or Xenomorph, because that'd be pretty damn silly. Something more grotesque that still resembles Shaw somewhat would be much more interesting. 7/10