Alien: Covenant: 10 Last Minute Rumours You Must See

9. James Franco Dies In The First 20 Minutes

Alien Covenant James Franco

The Rumour: James Franco plays the original Captain of the Covenant, Jacob Branson, and considering he's only appeared in the Last Supper prologue so far, some fans seem convinced he's probably going to be the first crew member to die early in the first act.

How Likely Is It?: This seems so obvious, yet at the same time it's entirely possible fans are being swerved here.

In the prologue, Branson complains about feeling unwell and goes off to sleep, so perhaps he's already become infected somehow and perhaps simply never wakes up, or maybe he actually gives birth to a Neomorph.

Sure, it's possible that Franco wakes up at the end of the movie and sees all Hell breaking loose, but this would have the potential to be unintentionally hilarious and undercut that precious third-act tension.

He's almost certainly dead before the movie even properly kicks off, especially as Billy Crudup's Christopher Oram is referred to as the Captain in some of the movie's marketing, presumably taking over after Franco bites it. 8/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.