Alien: Covenant - 15 Blunders That Ruined The Film

5. The Xenomorphs Are Demystified

Alien Covenant Xenomorph

Ridley Scott included the xenomorphs in this film to satisfy those who claimed Prometheus didn't feature enough of the classic creatures, but in turn also pulled back the veil too far, by revealing that David's tinkering led to the creation of the xenomorph eggs and, of course, a bastardised version of the xenos themselves. As for how all those eggs made it to the derelict in the original film? That's a whole other question.

Furthermore, while the earlier Alien movies succeeded by keeping the xenos mostly in shadow and limiting their on-screen movements, Covenant makes the mistake of showing way too much of them.

Even though the CGI is surprisingly not horrible, they lack the imposing presence that made them so popular in the first place, and the presence of a second surprise xenomorph was just way too predictable.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.