Alien: Covenant - 15 Blunders That Ruined The Film
1. The Incredibly Predictable Final Twist

And finally, there's the almost laughably predictable reveal that, yes, David tricked Daniels and Tennessee, disguising himself as Walter in order to escape the Engineer homeworld. With them both put back in stasis and having 2000 colonists and 1400 embryos at his disposal, not to mention two xenomorph embryos he managed to smuggle onboard, it's safe to say David is free to do whatever he wants.
Though the twist itself is entertaining and sets up some awesome possibilities for the future, the way it's handled is a bit of an eye-roller, especially as it was blindingly obvious this would happen from the moment David cut his hair, and especially once the outcome of the David-Android fight wasn't immediately revealed.
What did you think of Alien: Covenant? Got anymore blunders to add to the pile? Shout them out in the comments!