Alien: Covenant Prologue - 12 Things You Probably Missed

2. Dissension In The Ranks

Alien Covenant Billy Crudup

If you haven't seen the Covenant trailer in a while, it's easy to forget that The Last Supper seems to pointedly set up some very direct conflict that will unravel in the actual movie.

We see Billy Crudup and Carmen Ejogo's married couple judgmentally whispering about Danny McBride and Amy Seimetz's excessive drinking, which seems intended to set-up the scene from the actual movie where Ejogo's character is trapped in the med-bay with a mutating member of the crew, and Seimetz refuses to let her out because it would endanger the entire crew.

A reasonable call, sure, but thanks to the prologue that choice comes loaded with some extra drama and potential animosity depending upon how they deal with each other in the movie leading up to this point.

Alien Covenant Amy Seimetz

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.