Alien: Covenant Trailer - 10 Things You Probably Missed

6. The Neomorph Is An Unused Prometheus Design

Alien Covenant Neomorph

The trailer provides fans with their first official look at the Neomorph, one of the film's new alien species, which is seen attacking the Covenant's crew at night, presumably after hatching out of an infected crew member's back.

What's extra interesting here isn't merely the pale white complexion of the creature, but that it seems to be inspired by an alien originally designed for Prometheus, but ultimately discarded.

The Beluga-Xenomorph was a white, boneless creature visually similar to Covenant's Neomorph, who originally killed Elizabeth Shaw's partner Holloway by hatching out of his back when Prometheus was still called Alien: Engineers.

Extensive concept art was drawn up, good enough that though it was eventually written out of Prometheus, the creature has clearly been a huge influence on the final Neomorph design.

Prometheus Beluga Xenomorph

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.