Alien: Covenant Trailer - 10 Things You Probably Missed

7. Daniels' Grotesque Discovery Explained

Alien Covenant Katherine Waterston

There's been a lot of fan speculation over what exactly Daniels comes across in this moment, considering she looks incredibly disturbed but also not particularly fearful.

As such it's almost certainly not a Xenomorph or alien of any kind, and considering we can see a plastic curtain to her left, this matches up pretty well with the shower scene from the first trailer.

We know from that trailer that Jussie Smollett gets splattered by a Xeno while he's having shower sex with Callie Hernandez, and it's pretty safe to assume she's wasted moments later too.

As such, Daniels is probably just discovering their gory remains, in a scene that will hopefully recall some of the series' more classically horrific elements.

Alien Covenant Shower

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.