Alita: 7 Reasons We Need A Sequel

2. Edward Norton's Nova

Alita Battle Poster
Warner Bros.

I swear to God, if I don't get to see highly-regarded, well-respected, award-winning actor Edward Norton wearing the dumbest glasses of all time again on the big screen, the world will rue the day they let me down.

The end of the film has the biggest WTF casting moment of the entire thing, as it is revealed that this mysterious Nova character is played by none other than Ed Norton. As if this pan around reveal wasn't great enough on its own, upon marinating on it for a bit, Norton would make for a genuinely killer Nova.

In the manga, Desty Nova is a scientist with a genius-level intellect up in Zalem who specializes in nanotechnology and eventually goes rogue thanks to his grisly methodology and experimentation. Here, he kind of alternates between being a tepid ally of Alita's and an outright villain but the film sets him up as the big antagonist for the story going forward.

And quite honestly, I don't want to live in a world where I know I've missed out on seeing an Alita sequel in which Ed Norton will get to chew all of the scenery as Nova.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.