Alternative Oscars: The Nominees & Winners For Every Category

1. Best Picture

Arrival Amy Adams Jeremy Renner
Paramount Pictures

WINNER: Arrival

Arrival is a challenging, whip-smart, visually stunning, emotionally devastating, beautifully acted and thought provoking sci-fi film with a message of enormous relevance for the modern world (especially in light of recent political events).

It manages to ground an inherently heightened scenario and present with audience with a fascinating series of questions while entertaining as it also prods and informs.

It's a difficult juggling act but director Denis Villeneuve continues to prove himself one of the best directors working today, and the cast is consistently fantastic.


2. Silence

3. Hell or High Water

4. Manchester by the Sea

5. Moonlight

6. The Jungle Book

7. Captain America: Civil War

8. 13th

9. Hacksaw Ridge

10. Jackie

Most Wins

In conclusion, the big winners are:

La La Land - 4 wins

Arrival - 3 wins

Hell or High Water & Moonlight - 2 wins

What do you make of these alternative Oscar picks? Agree? Disagree? Got your own to share? Shout them out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.