The Amazing Spider-Man: 10 Spidey Movies That Must Be Made Next

4. Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt (2024)

With the Sinister Six temporarily dealt with, and Norman Osborn a villainous well run almost dry (after his involvement in most of the Amazing Spider-Man films to date) this epic story arc would offer Sony the opportunity to diversify their rogues' gallery. Having perhaps set-up Kraven's existence in The Sinister Six as a potential member who doesn't wish to be involved, Sony could follow that up with what is often legitimately called the greatest of all Spider-Man stories. Comic Book Reference Point: "Kraven's Last Hunt" The epic story arc, which united all three Spider-Man comics at the time of its release, reinvented an established villain simply through the power of strong story-telling, and it is that sort of ferocity that should be the focus of the movie adaptation. With Kraven focused entirely on taking down his target - in the exact same way that Van Pelt stalks Robin Williams in Jumanji, only with less terrible monkey CGI - Spider-Man faces a foe he cannot beat, and ends up being bested, and killed (albeit temporarily). The idea of having Spidey buried alive by the end of the story-arc and having him claw his way out of his grave, inspired by his love for Mary Jane, is an irresistible prospect.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.