The Amazing Spider-Man 2: 13 Actors Who Should Play Venom In Spin-Off

10. Eminem

Eminem Pose Eminem's appearance isn't too dissimilar to the Ultimate version of Eddie Brock, so the basis for the character in terms of appearance is already there. Eminem gained much critical acclaim for his role as Jimmy "B-Rabbit" Smith Jr. in 8 Mile - though it wasn't much of a stretch of his acting abilities, given how similar the character was to his real self. That said, he's shown that he has at least some level of acting ability and if he could pull of the role of Eddie Brock it could end up being a stroke of genius. Eminem isn't unfamiliar with Marvel comics - not only was he a big fan of comics whilst growing up, he also aspired to be a comic book artist for a while and, indeed, he starred in his own Marvel comic book (Eminem/The Punisher) in which he fought against and alongside Frank Castle. This would be a huge risk, but also a huge draw and the fact that it could lead to Eminem performing the movie's soundtrack would also be a cool added bonus.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.