Ambulance Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs
1. Too Much Shaky Cam
Though there's so much beautifully fluid camerawork throughout Ambulance, there's also a fair amount of shaky cam, which while often proving immersive can sometimes be a little too much.
Given that the overwhelming majority of the film follows an ambulance in motion, a certain amount of camera judder is unavoidable, yet Bay pulls in so tight on his leads during dialogue scenes within the ambulance that the camera shake becomes incredibly distracting - if not outright nauseating.
In conjunction with Bay's tendency for over-cutting, it means that Ambulance is sometimes a sensory overload in the not-awesome way, forcing viewers to actually do some work and really concentrate to make sense of what they're seeing.
These issues accepted, though, there is a lot to like in Ambulance. And so, here's what Bay gets right...