American Horror Story: 10 Scariest Villains Ranked

7. The Butcher

American Horror Story Apocalypse Finale

Ever since she made her debut during the show' third season, the Oscar-winning Kathy Bates has become a beloved asset to AHS, stealing every scene she's in with powerhouse performances.

One of these performances was that of The Butcher in the sixth season, a vengeful spirit from the lost Roanoke colony who continues to terrorise the land whenever the blood moon lights the night sky.

Real name Thomasin White, The Butcher was the wife of the colony's governor. However, when Thomasin was left in charge while the governor left on a supply run, she faced a rebellion from some of the colonists. She was subsequently left to die in the surrounding woods until she was saved by the witch Scáthach.

She returned to the colony with vengeance, eventually killing everyone when she learned of the people's disapproval of her allegiance to dark magic.

The Butcher and her colony would go on to brutally sacrifice anyone in their land during the blood moon and would go on to target Shelly and Matt when they move into the area.

However, in a clever twist that doubled the terror of this character, Bates was playing an actor portraying The Butcher who took their role a little too seriously.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.