Ant-Man: 13 Obscure Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

11. Who's In The Quantum Realm?

Ant-Man Obscure Easter Eggs.

As if Ant-Man fans weren't already primed to spot some delicious Easter Eggs, Kevin Feige did a round of interviews leading up to the release with lots of semi-spoilery material, including the revelation that the Quantum Realm would feature an Egg:

"There’s an event that happens to Scott Lang in the third act of the movie. He goes into a place that’s been unseen in any motion picture ever before, and when he goes into that place – I don’t think Scott Lang sees it, but if you’re sharp, if you’re a keen, sharp audience member you might see something or someone in that environment."

While spotting it the first time around was difficult to say the least, if you know where to look, the Egg just about reveals itself. 

As only the most eagle-eyed of viewers spotted, there's a very quick flash of a silhouette - human presumably - in Scott's helmet. That immediately suggests that Janet is alive and still trapped in the Realm (though some claim to have seen her escape alongside Scott), but of course there's every possibility that it might have been Doctor Strange on an inter-dimensional jaunt.

The fact that nobody actually saw Janet's face suggests Marvel might be intending to ensure she's castable for future Ant-Man/MCU movies.

Oddly, the Quantum Realm also includes an appearance for a Tardigrade, a basically indestructible micro-insect. Which would perhaps have been a better creature to model the Pym tech on...


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