Ant-Man Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To Know

10. It's Very Funny

The Marvel movies have presented themselves as the cheery, quippy alternative to the altogether more dour DC Cinematic Universe, and quip-writer extraordinaires like Joss Whedon and Shane Black have made the Avengers and Iron Man films as much raucous comedies as they are big-budget special effects extravaganzas. Ant-Man seemed poised to take that even further, with word on he grapevine being that it was almost a straight-up comedy more than an action movie. Hot Fuzz's Edgar Wright working on the early version, with Anchorman's Adam McKay coming on board to help rewrite the script certainly paid credence to that rumour. €œHilarious€ was a word that came up in more than one reviewer's take on Ant-Man, another said it €œis both fun and funny€. Early criticism of the film was that the trailers focussed on the action more than the laughs, meaning perhaps Ant-Man didn't quite live up to its comedic promise. According to these early reports, there was no reason to worry.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at