Aquaman: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

5. The Visuals

Aquaman Movie
Warner Bros.

Since much of the film will take place underwater, what are audiences to expect in terms of visuals? Judging by the last two trailers, they can expect plenty of beautiful vistas and a wildly imaginative sea world come to life.

The film doesn't plan on stopping there either as a sequence involving Black Manta has the heroes running through a particularly gorgeous location that looks part historical site, part vacation getaway. Point being, this doesn't look to be a film interested in lingering on any particular place or moment for too long.

And then there are the shots themselves, which offers up extremely CGI-heavy frames that look like they were ripped directly from comic panels. For fans who have been longing for their favorite Aquaman stories to come to life, James Wan and company seem prepared to deliver exactly that.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.