Aquaman: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

3. Atlantis

Aquaman Movie
Warner Bros.

Similar to Wakanda in Black Panther, Atlantis is such a history-rich location that has never been done true justice in live-action. Since the tech is finally in place for a movie set almost entirely underwater to actually come into fruition, the location can be brought to life in a way never seen before.

Going beyond the amazing visualization of the aquatic civilization, seeing Wan replicate Atlantean society is going to be just as exciting. This looks like a fully fleshed-out society that has plenty to offer in service to the story and viewers who like to study fictional metropolises like this one. Whether it's the monarchy or the common practice of citizen-attended ceremonial battles, this is a populace that warrants further exploration.

It's unclear if Atlantis will serve more as a backdrop or if it'll be treated like a character of its own, but audiences will undoubtedly be blown away by the location. It's been a long time since audiences have had an especially unique location to dig into, so Atlantis should easily blow the minds of collective viewers across the world.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.