Aquaman: 22 Easter Eggs & References Explained

11. Dr. Stephen Shin

Aquaman James Wan Randall Park Stephen Shin
James Wan Instagram & DC Comics

Half-way through the movie, a seemingly insignificant character by the name of Dr. Stephen Shin is randomly introduced as a panellist on a TV show talking about the existence of Atlantis.

However, you might've noticed that Shin was being played by on-the-rise comedy actor Randall Park, in which case you probably figured out he wasn't just playing some random nobody.

In fact, Dr. Shin is a character from the comics, a friend of Aquaman and his father who ultimately tried to kill Arthur when he refused to reveal the location of Atlantis.

After his quick mid-film cameo, Shin re-appears in the movie's mid-credits scene, nursing a gravely wounded Black Manta back to health, who agrees to take him to Atlantis if he can upgrade his suit for his rematch with Arthur.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.