Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

In complete contrast to the budget restraints that had plagued the original, James Cameron's follow-up to his breakthrough feature was the most expensive movie ever made at the time. A director that seems to thrive under pressure, Cameron's sequel upped the ante considerably, introducing groundbreaking CGI effects and massive action sequences, without ever losing sight of the characters. Turning the T800 into the hero of the piece, what Arnold Schwarzenegger lacks in dialogue he makes up for in his commanding screen presence, while Linda Hamilton is nothing short of phenomenal in completely convincing the audience that the once-timid Sarah Connor is now a bad-ass warrior. The action is spectacular, the performances are great, and it features an ending that can easily reduce a grown man to tears. Quite simply, Terminator 2 ranks comfortably as one of the greatest blockbusters ever made.

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