Arnold Schwarzenegger: Every Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

2. The Terminator (1984)

The breakthrough movie for both director James Cameron and star Arnold Schwarzenegger has endured for over 30 years as one of the greatest sci-fi thrillers ever made. Making the miniscule $6.4m budget work to their advantage, the creative team forged a lean, mean and relentlessly-paced chase movie that turned into a box office smash hit, as well as turning the T800 into an instant cultural icon. While one reviewer that saw the film described Schwarzenegger's acting range as stretching 'from A to almost B', it worked perfectly for the role of a cold-blooded and emotionless killing machine, with the heart of the movie coming from two great performances from Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn. Expertly written, crisply edited and perfectly paced, the tension never lets up until the closing credits.

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