Avengers: 12 BEST Abandoned Endgame & Infinity War Ideas

9. Stormbreaker And The Giant Serpent

Doctor Strange Iron Man Armour
Marvel Studios

One of the biggest sub-plots within Infinity War followed Thor, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. After losing Mjolnir to his sister's vice like grip during Ragnarok, the God of Thunder looked to Eitri on Nidavellir to forge him a new, Thanos killing weapon. It is an incredible journey, but it was almost so very different.

At one point, the idea was that Stormbreaker was a weapon of legend, already forged and used by Thor's ancestors. His journey, still with Rabbit and Tree by his side, would have been to find the giant axe, rather than to have it made brand new.

The trio would have discovered Stormbreaker buried in the skull of the World Serpent, killed many years ago. It still wouldn't have been as simple as pulling the weapon from the bone King Arthur style, Thor would have been attacked by this giant serpent's children, and been forced to fight his way out.

This sounds like a incredible set piece, and would have shown the might of Stormbreaker before the God of Thunder landed on Wakanda, however the idea was seemingly cut in favour of Eitri on Nidavellir, as this had a connection to Thanos and the wider movie in general.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.