The Avengers 3: 10 Ways Thanos Could Be Defeated

4. Odin

When Thanos is causing universal havoc with the all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet, what better way to combat him than with some divine intervention in the shape of the Allfather Odin? Thor's father is one of the few non-abstract beings in the Marvel comic book universe who is actually capable of defeating Thanos in one-on-one combat and, although the Infinity Gauntlet will sway the odds massively in Thanos' favour, Odin has a few tricks up his sleeve that could even the odds somewhat. A concept in the comic books that has yet to be explored in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is known as the Odinforce - an ancient Asgardian power that Odin can call upon in desperate times. It has granted him the power to create and destroy galaxies and it could be the leveller required to combat Thanos. Imagine, if you will, that Thanos is on Earth, causing universal destruction and swatting away the heroes like flies - a portal opens, Anthony Hopkins' Odin appears and starts beating the Mad Titan around like a rag doll. What an awesome scene that would be. He could even be wielding the all-powerful Odinsword and/or inhabiting the Destroyer Armour - which would be an incredible sight. In the comics, he has grown to 2000 feet tall doing this, after having absorbed the powers of several other godlike beings. Imagine Thanos doing the same and two giants duking it out in live action? When it comes to Odin's potential intervention in the final battle with Thanos, the possibilities are endless and fantastic.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.