Avengers 4: 10 Most Likely Characters To Be Killed

2. Loki

Loki Suit
Marvel Studios

From the outside, Thor: Ragnarok looks like the perfect opportunity to kill off Loki, as it would allow him to redeem himself after he messed up so royally that he handed Asgard to Hela (and possibly an Infinity Stone). But we already know that he's back for Infinity War, as he was in the footage shown at Comic Con, and from the descriptions out of that event it looks like he might end up working with Thanos again.

There's only so many times Loki can keep flipping sides and getting away with it - God Of Mischief or not - and knowing him and his fondness for shenanigans - he could easily be seen trying to mess with Thanos without realising what sort of threat he is. Either that or he will finally do right by his doofus brother and redeem himself once and for all by laying down his life when faced with Thanos' threat?

It's just the right time for the Loki saga to end, and with "Phase 4" representing an entirely new story for Marvel, it makes even more sense to get rid of some of the pillars of what came before.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.