Avengers 4: 15 Big Questions From Everything We Know So Far

3. Will EVERYONE Return From The Dead?

Avengers: Infinity War Spider Man
Marvel Studios

What We Know

Though the likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange and most of the Guardians Of The Galaxy were killed off, they all have sequels (either announced or considered to be in the planning stages). We also know that several of the supposedly dead characters have been filming Avengers 4 scenes, so they're likely to return in some way.

And of course there were some characters who were killed before the snap, so they would be a different consideration entirely.

What We Need To Know

Resurrections are inevitable, but will they be a blanket deal? Will the snap be entirely undone in one go with everyone simply being undisappeared? Or will the Soul Stone keep hold of some of its prizes?

Presumably, Gamora will return since she was sacrificed to a Stone, but Vision, Loki and Heimdall seem like they're goners forever since they were killed by brute force alone. So there's definitely different levels of dead here.


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