Avengers 4: 15 Big Questions From Everything We Know So Far

2. What Sacrifices Will Be Made?

Avengers Age Of Ultron Thor
Marvel Studios

What We Know

According to the ALLEGED first synopsis for the film - which will be no more than a placeholder if it is legitimate - the surviving heroes will come to realise that huge sacrifices will have to be made for them to undo what Thanos did to the universe.

On top of that, a theory suggests that Thor's vision in Age Of Ultron was actually misinterpreted as only dealing with Ultron, when in fact it refered to Thanos. And the extended version of that scene mentions sacrifice as the only way to win too.

What We Need To Know

What do those sacrifices mean? Will the rumour that the survivors will trade their own lives to save those who are dead turn out to be true? Will they be the cost paid to the Soul Stone in exchange for undoing Thanos' actions?

Or will it be slightly different - a sacrifice of their roles in a different way, which links into the last question...


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