3. The Life & Death Of Quicksilver
Weird accents aside (which sound vaguely Russian and American in equal measure - who'd have guessed?), twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch didn't make much of an impression in Age Of Ultron. Face it: they weren't particular likeable for the sum of the movie, and their sudden decision to go from bad to good to part of the Avengers felt mostly forced. But at least Scarlet Witch gets to come back in another movie to try and win audiences around! Quicksilver... well, the poor b*stard was just killed off after having been a part of the MCU for - what? - less than three hours. There's a sense, of course, that Marvel felt pressured to kill off somebody because that was just something that everybody felt needed to happen at some point, and thus opted for a less popular character. And yet it didn't work. It's not like Quicksilver's death was even used as a dramatic device, like Agent Coulson's unexpected demise in The Avengers. He just dies, audiences are treated to a shot of a distraught Elizabeth Olsen, and that's about it. It feels shoddy, arbitrary and wasteful - a very strange decision on Marvel's part, and one that only increases the weird factor inherent to an already weird Age Of Ultron.
Sam Hill
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.
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