Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruin It

6. Thor's Plot-Pool Is Just Bad Scriptwriting

Speaking of Peggy and the Hawkeye's house scene (itself maddening, why would you reveal your secret family hideout whilst an entire fleet of robots are scouring the earth for you?), Thor promptly jets off and picks up Erik Selvig, only to completely randomly end up in a location where he can talk to some "water spirits" (yup) who'll show him what to do. Selvig disappears after this, as its entire purpose seemed to just be Whedon finding a way to instil some sense of drive into one member of the team for what's to come. Of course Stark and Banner's mad scientist beats were well on their way to creating Vision anyway, but leave it up to Thor to appear at the last second and breathe life into him; wrapping his contrived namesake up as the 'vision' he had in the pool. It's all too reminiscent of cheap fantasy films that'll randomly have the protagonist remember they have the exact spell or item for the exact predicament they're in, just for the sake of pushing the narrative forward - but in the case of Avengers and the precedent set beforehand it feels unbelievably lazy and out of place.
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