Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruin It

5. Ultron Is Proven To Be Beatable Within The Opening Act

So the whole deal with Ultron and the threat he poses is assumedly because that he can access the entirety of the internet, learn all of The Avengers' secrets and worst fears and use that against them, right? Somewhere along the way he develops a love for nuclear launch codes and meteoric explosions, whilst tying in a general distaste for the human race through slamming Earth with a giant mound of soil. As you do. The problem is that there's no threat whatsoever, brought about by Iron Man blowing him up in their first encounter. Like he literally just produces one of those missiles he destroyed that tank with in Iron Man 1, and blasts Ultron's vibranium mush to kingdom come. It's actually Scarlet Witch who instils all these worst fears into the minds of the team whilst Ultron is making the escape, and so in every subsequent scene where the script is trying to establish - by literally paraphrasing variations of - "We just can't beat him, he's too strong", you're left screaming at the screen going "But you already did!" There's a horrendously forced scene where Stark fights Banner in a city as the rest of the squad are too busy battling their inner demons, but neither part is resolved. Instead they do a Captain America: First Avenger and cut away after the spectacle, letting your mind fill in the blanks as the next scene thunders forward. It feels empty, and indicative of again - the overwhelming sensation that they couldn't think of better ways to wrap these sequences up than to just cut away from them.
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