Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Biggest Surprises That Will Get Fans Talking

6. The Truth Of Loki's Sceptre

There are still questions to be answered about the power of Loki's sceptre. Again, not a euphemism (well, probably in certain corners of Tumblr) (most of Tumblr). The Asgardian villain seemed to be able to use it as a weaponised deus ex machina in the first Avengers film, using it to do everything from getting in contact with the Chitauri, brainwashing multiple people, and also stabbing Agent Coulson right through the chest in bloody fashion. Plus now it can help make AI and turn people into mutan...erm, miracles. But then, Tony's heart reactor thingy apparently makes him invulnerable to Loki's brainwashing. What's up with that? At least part of the sceptre's powers, and the reason why everyone's always clamouring for it, got explained here. It turns out that Loki's sceptre is home to yet another of the Infinity Stones, the cosmic MacGuffins that will eventually come into play with Avengers: Infinity Wars Parts One and Two. Previously seen gems are the Tesseract from the first Avengers, the Aether from Thor: The Dark World, and the Orb from Guardians Of The Galaxy. The sceptre contains the Mind Stone, and it's gonna be important going forward.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/