Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 10 Key Characters Who Could Die
8. Hank Pym
Why He Could Die: In the Age of Ultron comic book arc, Hank Pym is responsible for the creation of Ultron and the entire plot revolves around Wolverine going back in time to kill him before he gets the chance to create the evil robot who has caused an apocalyptic event. Wolverine succeeds but, in doing so, creates an even worse future. Upon learning about this alternate future he has created, Wolverine goes back and attacks himself before he can kill Pym. All of this messing with history creates a rip in the fabric of time, pulling Angela in to the Marvel universe from the Image universe - which would allow her to appear in a Guardians of the Galaxy sequel as part of the team she went on to join in the comics. This death would be an easy option as, once it happens, it gets rectified and, although Wolverine won't be the man to do it, there are plenty of other characters who could. Why He Could Live: Pym has been said to not be responsible for Ultron's creation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe continuity and neither Michael Douglas or any younger actor has seemingly been cast to play him in this movie - so the likelihood is that he's not even going to be in it. Likelihood: 1/10. He probably won't even be in this movie to be killed, but his key role in the comic book arc of the same name means that there's at least more of a chance than zero.