Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 11 Questions Fans Want Answering

5. Does Captain America Get To Use Mjolnir Properly?

We learned from the leaked Comic Con footage that, just prior to Ultron attacking the Avengers, they were all enjoying drinks in their headquarters and challenging each other to lift Thor's hammer Mjolnir. Mjolnir, of course, can only be lifted by those truly worthy - noble warriors who have put their bodies on the line countless times for the greater good - and, as such, most of the Avengers were unable to even budge it. That is until Captain America had a try. The super soldier at least budged it, showing that he was well on the way to being worthy of wielding it properly, and we think it could have been foreshadowing events later in the film. Will an immobilised Thor be saved when Steve Rogers tries one more time to lift Mjolnir and, having proven himself to be worthy, do exactly that to defeat Ultron? It's happened in the comics and it would be downright awesome to see in this movie. Seriously, imagine freaking Captain America raining down lightning on a horde of Ultron drones. Wow.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.