Avengers: Age Of Ultron - 12 Things To Expect (That We Don't Know Already)

7. A More Prominent Thanos Cameo

Another thing we've already touched upon in this article is the fact that Thanos will likely be the villain in the subsequent Avengers sequel i.e. the one after Age of Ultron. With that in mind, this movie will mark the point at which he will need to start making his presence felt. We all saw his silent cameo in the mid-credits scene of the first Avengers movie, when the Other told him that to challenge the heroes of Earth would be "to court death". The powerful Mad Titan simply smiled in a manner that said "challenge accepted" and we now anticipate his confrontation with the titular heroes eagerly. Once Ultron is defeated, expect Thanos to appear in a still-brief-but-somewhat-more-substantial cameo - perhaps during or after the credits again. We may even hear him speak for the first time as the actor deemed fit enough to play him permanently (i.e. not Damion Poitier from his first appearance) gets his first bit of screen time.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.