Avengers: Endgame - 10 Characters Most Likely To Die

3. Captain America

Captain America Endgame
Marvel Studios

More than probably anyone else in the MCU, everyone has expected Captain America to be killed for a while now. There was - after all - a comic called The Death Of Captain America that was tied pretty closely to one of the key films in this franchise (Civil War). Plus, Chris Evans has been very clear on his desire to retire and start making his own movies.

Hes a dead man walking, in other words. Let's just hope he gets to see Peggy again.

How He Could Die

While he told Tony that he didn't think he was the one to lie down on the wire, Cap definitely is that guy and while he told others that the Avengers do not trade lives, that's exactly what Cap would do if he was given the chance.

Crucially, Cap was robbed of his chance of a perfect life when he sacrificed himself to the ice and left Peggy behind. There's no way he'd allow the likes of Hawkeye or Tony or - particularly - Bucky to miss out on their lives if it's in his power. Expect him to sacrifice himself to kill Thanos.

What Might Save Him?

Very little. There's a chance he might be send back to the past to be with Peggy instead, but Chris Evans' conviction to leave Cap behind might scupper that possibility too.

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