Avengers: Endgame - 10 Shocking MCU Cameos We Could Get

2. Ultron

Ultron Avengers
Marvel Studios

Can you imagine?

Ok so this one is a little bit of a reach but, still, it comes from a really interesting theory posited by Reddit user mdv151 about a month ago. In it he deduces that the red light that Ronin is staring at the in the trailers is the menacing glare of… Ultron.

Okay, so in the Super Bowl Spot for Endgame we all saw Ronin staring at something (or someone) that was giving off a red light. His facial expression doesn’t give the impression that it’s an ally, so I’m going to assume its either a foe or a bad object… ULTRON.

We saw an Ultron head in Spider-Man Homecoming with the eyes glowing which implies that Ultron’s conscious is still very much alive. Ultron’s body and eyes emit red light. We saw Red Skull, so why not Ultron? Maybe in a different form?

Everything he says checks out, and if you did miss the minor Ultron cameo in Homecoming here it is…

Spiderman Ultron

If nothing else, Ultron was designed to be the “bouncer on the door” of the earth according to Tony Stark, to protect them from “that up there”. You may also recall that this scene - the one justifying Ultron’s existence - is the exact scene where we first hear the term “endgame”.

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